Nfluence Church
Nfluence Church, based in Northern Indiana, is home to the teaching ministry of Pastor Lucas Miles. Sermons are presented both topically and verse-by-verse.
The Lucas
Miles Show
Pastor, author, and filmmaker Lucas Miles draws on his 20-years of experience as he interviews top Christian influencers about walking in faith and experiencing the life of their dreams.
The Church Boys
Consistently rated one of the top 100 news commentary shows in the country, Lucas is joined by journalists Billy Hallowell and Chris Field, as they discuss current events through humor and a lens of faith.

Tim Storey
Pastor and Celebrity Life Coach
“Lucas Miles is a true leader for this
generation. His innovative thinking
has taken him to the top in many
different areas of his life. From
writing, life coaching and managing
projects—Lucas Miles is truly
leaving his mark!”

Phil Cooke
Filmmaker, Consultant,
and Author
“Lucas Miles is one of the most
energetic and motivated leaders in
the Christian world. If you don’t
know him today, trust me, you will

Dr. Jim Garlow
Founder and CEO, Well Versed
“Miles understands the dangerous Woke trend and has been bravely leading the fight against Progressive ideology within the church. I believe in his work and pray that believers everywhere give ear to his message.”

Acts 20:24
“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”